Brooke and Mike took a road trip to! We had a great weekend hanging out, playing games, watching football, and touring DC. Mike and Brooke and I don't typically have the opportunity to spend a lot of time together, especially since I haven't lived in the same state for nearly 7 years! Unless there is a holiday or family event bringing us together, we tend to all be busy going in our own direction. We planned this weekend so we could hang out before all of Brooke's weekends filled up with Basketball (until mid summer). It was perfect timing as fall was out in full color and the sun shined all weekend long creating idea tourist weather.
Here are a few pictures of the weekend and some quotes from our first president, George Washington:

In the Smithsonian Gardens

Northwest Side of the Capitol
I have no lust after power but wish with as much fervency as any Man upon this wide extended Continent, for an opportunity turning the Sword into a plow share - George Washington, 1776

View of the White House and South Lawn from the Washington Monument
My first to see the whole world in peace, and the Inhabitants of it as one band of brothers, stricing who should contribute most to the happiness of mankind - George Washington, 1785
Mike and Brooke "holding up" the Washington Monument
We had a great weekend together. I think it reminded all four of us (Mark included) that we really enjoy each others company, jokes, and even cooking! We cannot wait to all get together again!
I love that last photo-I can never figure out how to do things like that!